Full Sail University

This Grad Combines Computer Animation with Instructional Design

塔莎·罗森鲍姆(Tasha Rosenbaum)的动画背景帮助她共同创立了bylittle, 为电子学习提供商创建互动课程的设计机构.

Tasha Rosenbaum smiles at the camera. 她有一头棕色的头发,戴着一副眼镜,穿着一件黄色的开襟羊毛衫和一件蓝色的毛衣.

“What led me to Full Sail was a love for animation, a love for video games, a love for thinking through that logic. 但在《菠菜台子大全》之后,我并没有进入传统的(电脑动画)领域,” says grad Tasha Rosenbaum.

Instead of working in entertainment, Tasha has used her technical animation skills, storytelling prowess, and passion for instructional design to co-found bylittle, a design agency that caters to e-learning providers. Today, Tasha’s agency is creating custom classes, live-action videos, and animations for a range of clients.

Tasha’s collegiate career began at Hawaii Pacific University, 她在那里攻读英语学位,主修诗歌. 她决定改变课程,接受更多的实践教育,并在Full Sail着陆, where she studied computer animation. 塔莎毕业后去了几家动画工作室面试, 但杜邦公司的一个自由撰稿项目让她重新思考了自己的做法.

“当企业第一次进入社交媒体时, (杜邦的团队)正在为他们的内部营销团队开发培训,以便能够管理Facebook页面上的不良互动. [They] were like, “我们已经把所有的东西都写好了,我们只需要有人为它做动画.' So, I came in and did animations for a 12-week-long program, so a couple hundred hours’ worth of e-learning. It was animation, but also interactive,” Tasha shares.

After Tasha finished the DuPont project, she started getting offers for more instructional design work. She landed a contract with the Air Force, 工作环境是培养她数字课程创建技能的完美训练场所.

“I was actually at an Aircrew Training System [station], and they had full motion simulators, classroom training, computer-based training, as well as training on the flight line,” she explains. “I did all the curriculum development, competency modeling, writing the scenarios for the full motion simulators.”

Tasha spent a few years working with the Air Force, 然后进入私营部门,为企业学习和发展创造教学设计材料. While she was hunting for a full-time role, 塔莎注意到,她遇到的大多数公司都把他们的教学设计项目外包给专门的机构. If Tasha wanted to take on the work that fascinated her, she’d have to adopt an entrepreneurial mindset. 幸运的是,她在Full Sail培养的人际关系帮助她找到了解决方案.

塔莎于2021年与另一位Full Sail毕业生乔丹·利特尔共同创立了bylittle. Over the last few years, bylittle has grown from Tasha, Jordan, 两名开发人员变成了拥有20名员工的成熟机构. The company specializes in interactive training courses, videos, and animations for e-learning providers. bylittle过去的一些项目包括关于如何引导促销的内部企业课程, health courses to educate caregivers about dementia, e-learning introductions to artificial intelligence, and more.

When Tasha’s working on a project at bylittle, 她专注于弥合专家级和初级知识之间的差距. 她花了很多时间与客户会面,以了解他们的需求以及他们的学习者的需求, 以及采访主题专家,以获得对课程主题的深刻理解.

“我和主题专家一起工作,直到我们把内容弄清楚,让他们觉得我没有淡化他们的信息, 但它是以一种语境和对话的方式传递的,人们可以从中学习,而不仅仅是被谈论,” she says.

一旦一切都是故事板和脚本,塔莎的团队建立了课程的快速原型. The prototype establishes the project’s graphic style, visual assets, overall look, and interactive elements.

“(原型)让他们能够听到对他们说的剧本,然后在学习者将要经历的过程中进行导航. 然后我们可以(揭示)是否有进一步的差距,现在你听到了, [or] now that you're touching it, is there anything that we've missed? 然后我们对它进行迭代,直到我们准备好与更大的利益相关者群体进行社交,或者我们向学习者群体发布它,” Tasha explains.

bylittle的电子学习方法正在发挥作用:该机构已经与40多个团队合作创建了专门的内容. 对教学设计的真正热情帮助Tasha和她的团队扩大了他们的公司, 但塔莎觉得她的电脑动画背景也给了她一个独特的优势.

“我认为(拥有电脑动画背景的优势)很大程度上来自于讲故事的一面. Really thinking about how to weave a narrative through training, how to present things in a visual way. Because even if it's not animation in the sense of movement, there's a lot of just, 你是如何把事情分解成一个场景的?

“And game thinking is so common in e-learning,” she continues. “If you think about the tutorial level in a video game, it’s about, 你如何引入内容,然后以一种微妙的方式构建内容,让人们觉得他们没有意识到内容变得更加复杂? But at the end of it, they realize, ‘Wow, at the beginning of this, I never thought I'd get to the point that I am at.’”

Tasha loves her work in e-learning, 但她希望自己能早点知道动画行业的非传统道路.

“I’m really happy with my career trajectory, but it's a very non-traditional career trajectory," she explains. “你不一定要进入电影领域,也不一定要进入游戏领域. [You can] do some really cool video work, 我看到很多人在找不到游戏或动画领域的工作后就放弃了. 还有其他途径可以探索——弄清楚如何去探索.”